Gateworks Avila GW234x

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Avila Gateworks

Thanks to

Brainslayer (Sebastian) to all the help send to me (and the patient he has) to explain many things about this topic (and others).

All developer team for this great firmware.

Gateworks for this device.

Notes about diferent firmware versions

DDWRT v24 Firmware

DDWRT v24 RC 6.2 (20080102)

Web GUI problems
  • When you change some parameters in Wireless -> Setup Basic page that will change some combo box lists, is not working. You must change the value, save it, apply changes, go to other page, return to Wireless -> Setup Basic page. Reported here: ticket 336
  • Bandwidth monitor not include the wds links status and the wireless graphics are not really real when you have been configure some wds links. Reported here: ticket 353
  • The help is not very usefull with GW234X devices, because many modes and parameters are not explained fine (Wireless modes, Bonding settings, etc.). I think the wiki is a more usefull tool for documentation purposes than the firmware webpage.
  • Wireless status page show WDS links as clients. Perhaps you don't know this info with atheros drivers. Reported here: ticket 352
  • Web upgrade doesn't work. Reported in: ticket 347 There's a workaround: downgrade using RedBoot and try again. But ... why use RedBoot to downgrade? Better upgrade directly!!.
Unclassified problems
  • GW2347 suddenly losses the configuration and the firmware: ticket 366
  • GW234X Loss the LAN MAC address afther erase NVRAM partition: ticket 369

DDWRT v24 pre - RC 7 (20080118)

You can download from here and upgrade using webupgrade.

  • GW234X Web interface goes down saving current configuration: ticket 371

DDWRT V24 pre -RC 7 (20080317)

B.S. sent it to me via e-mail. I supose that he will send to people that need it for testing purposes.

  • Bandwidth monitor don't working fine (perhaps is the scale) ticket 479
  • WDS interfaces naming changed from previous versions. I think is for the reviewer madwifi driver.
  • ScanList channels list added to AP modes too.
  • WDS association is FASTER now using WPA+AES!!! (don't tried other combinations)

DDWRT V24 -RC 7 (20080424)

Some problems detected with this RC:

  • An apointment by B.S. to the WDS modes using atheros chipsets about the use of security parameters in these modes: ticket 564
  • A problem refreshing the channel list combo in wireless basic setup page: ticket 563
  • Random breaks, holds and crashes with this build: ticket 562
  • Site survey option doesn't work: ticket 565


Problems detected in the release:

  • When you reset to factory defaults, the web wage goes into a blank page. See the ticket here: Ticket 579


RedHat 5 or similar

I'm using CentOS 5 to write this.

I have been installed minicom, tftp-server and telnet packages (and their dependences) previously and copied zImage and root.fs to /tftpboot/.

Then I configure /etc/xinetd.d/tftp file as this:

  $ cat /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
  # default: off
  # description: The tftp server serves files using the trivial file transfer \
  #       protocol.  The tftp protocol is often used to boot diskless \
  #       workstations, download configuration files to network-aware printers, \
  #       and to start the installation process for some operating systems.
  service tftp
          socket_type             = dgram
          protocol                = udp
          wait                    = yes
          user                    = root
          server                  = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
          server_args             = -s /tftpboot
          disable                 = no
          per_source              = 11
          cps                     = 100 2
          flags                   = IPv4

And verified that xinetd daemon is runing after the configuration:

  $ service xinetd restart
  Parando xinetd:                                            [  OK  ]
  Iniciando xinetd:                                          [  OK  ]
  $ service xinetd status
  Se está ejecutando xinetd (pid 10353)...


See: Intall into GW2348

Accesing via telnet

By default you can access the device using a serial port cable (not null-modem) or using telnet.


1) Configure your ethernet to have the ip address

  $ ip addr add brd dev eth0 label eth0:3

Where eth0 is your ethernet interface and eth0:3 is the alias (used if you have more than one IP assigned to the interface).

If you have an address assigned to the subnetwork, delete it previously:

  $ ip addr del brd dev eth0 label eth0:3

Will be usefull you clear the ARP entry for

  $ arp -d

And you add the correct MAC for that IP (you gain some milliseconds with this):

  $ arp -s 00:D0:12:02:81:48

You must do it when you need to change cable to another GW234X device (for example).

2) Open a terminal window (a window better than a tab in some terminals programs) and send a ping to the GW234X.

  $ ping
  PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

3) Open a new terminal window and prepare to do the telnet to the GW234X. Very important is that you don't hit RETURN yet.

  $ telnet 9000

Where is the default GW234X ip for access RedBoot and 9000 is the default port where RedBoot has a telnet daemon listening.

4) Go to the TELNET terminal and prepare de RETURN key and the CTRL+C combination.

5) Take in view the 2 terminal windows to see when the GW234X is answering the pings and plug-off/plug-on the power to the GW234X.

6) When the ping has the first answer pres RETURN and very quickly the CTRL+C keys.

7) If you were lucked, you can see the RedBoot Prompt:

  $ telnet 9000
  Connected to (
  Escape character is '^]'.
  == Executing boot script in 2.490 seconds - enter ^C to abort

8) If you were too slow hitting CTRL+C or hitting RETURN you will not have the RedBoot prompt and will need to go to step 3.


1) Configure MINICOM with the default values: 115200,8,N,1 without hardware/software flow control.

2) Save configuration (usefull to not reconfigure the access next time).

3) Connect a serial cable (DB9 MALE to DB9 FEMALE) from your PC to the GW234X.

4) Plug-off and plug-on the power to the GW234X.

5) Remember that you will need to hit CTRL+C keys, but now you, really, not need to do it quickly.

6) Play with RedBoot.


Commands summary


Here is it:

  RedBoot> help
  Manage aliases kept in FLASH memory
     alias name [value]
  Set/Query the system console baud rate
     baudrate [-b <rate>]
  Manage machine caches
     cache [ON | OFF]
  Display/switch console channel
     channel [-1|<channel number>]
  Compute a 32bit checksum [POSIX algorithm] for a range of memory
     cksum -b <location> -l <length>
  Display disks/partitions.
  Display (hex dump) a range of memory
     dump -b <location> [-l <length>] [-s] [-1|2|4]
  Execute an image - with MMU off
     exec [-w timeout] [-b <load addr> [-l <length>]]
          [-r <ramdisk addr> [-s <ramdisk length>]]
          [-c "kernel command line"] [<entry_point>]
  Manage FLASH images
     fis {cmds}
  Manage configuration kept in FLASH memory
     fconfig [-i] [-l] [-n] [-f] [-d] | [-d] nickname [value]
  Execute code at a location
     go [-w <timeout>] [-c] [-n] [entry]
  Help about help?
     help [<topic>]
  Display command history
  Set/change IP addresses
     ip_address [-l <local_ip_address>[/<mask_len>]] [-h <server_address>]
  Load a file
     load [-r] [-v] [-d] [-h <host>] [-p <TCP port>][-m <varies>] [-c <channel_number>] 
          [-b <base_address>] <file_name>
  Dump information on PCI devices
  Compare two blocks of memory
     mcmp -s <location> -d <location> -l <length> [-1|-2|-4]
  Copy memory from one address to another
     mcopy -s <location> -d <location> -l <length> [-1|-2|-4]
  Fill a block of memory with a pattern
     mfill -b <location> -l <length> -p <pattern> [-1|-2|-4]
  Network connectivity test
     ping [-v] [-n <count>] [-l <length>] [-t <timeout>] [-r <rate>]
          [-i <IP_addr>] -h <IP_addr>
  Reset the system
  Set/Read MAC address for NPE ethernet ports
     set_npe_mac [-p <portnum>] [xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx]
  Swap bytes in 16-bit or 32-bit words in a block of memory
     swab -b <location> -l <length> [-2|-4]
  Display RedBoot version information
  Display (hex dump) a range of memory
     x -b <location> [-l <length>] [-s] [-1|2|4]


  RedBoot> fis
  *** invalid 'fis' command: too few arguments
    fis create -b <mem_base> -l <image_length> [-s <data_length>]
        [-f <flash_addr>] [-e <entry_point>] [-r <ram_addr>] [-n] <name>
    fis delete name
    fis erase -f <flash_addr> -l <length>
    fis free 
    fis init [-f]
    fis list [-d]
    fis load [-b <memory_load_address>] [-c] name
    fis lock [-f <flash_addr> -l <length>] [name]
    fis unlock [-f <flash_addr> -l <length>] [name]
    fis write -f <flash_addr> -b <mem_base> -l <image_length>

Basic procedures

Install dd-wrt firmware

See the FLASHING.TXT. in the dd-wrt download page for the Avila firmware, for an uptodate information about the process.

See: Intall into GW2348 for an outdated explanation, but usefull for windows platforms.

Now, from some v24 rc's versions, only one image is needed and yes, use the explanation in this page to login into RedBoot and you only need these steps:

  fis init -f
  load -r -v -b 0x00800000 linux.bin
  fis create linux

The process is this:

  RedBoot> fis init -f
  About to initialize [format] FLASH image system - continue (y/n)? y
  *** Initialize FLASH Image System
  ... Erase from 0x50080000-0x50fe0000:    ...........................................................................................................................
  ... Unlock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
  ... Erase from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
  ... Program from 0x03fd0000-0x03ff0000 at 0x50fe0000: .
  ... Lock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
  RedBoot> load -r -v -b 0x00800000 linux.bin
  Using default protocol (TFTP)
  Raw file loaded 0x00800000-0x00e75fff, assumed entry at 0x00800000
  RedBoot> fis create linux
  ... Erase from 0x50080000-0x50700000: ....................................................
  ... Program from 0x00800000-0x00e76000 at 0x50080000: ....................................................
  ... Unlock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
  ... Erase from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
  ... Program from 0x03fd0000-0x03ff0000 at 0x50fe0000: .
  ... Lock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .

The last step is create your boot script using fconfig.

The boot script will be:

  fis load linux

You create your boot script as this:

  RedBoot> fconfig
  Run script at boot: true
  Boot script: 
  .. fis load ramdisk
  .. fis load zimage
  .. exec
  Enter script, terminate with empty line
  >> fis load linux
  >> exec
  Boot script timeout (100ms resolution): 25
  Use BOOTP for network configuration: false
  Gateway IP address: 
  Local IP address:
  Local IP address mask:
  Default server IP address:
  Console baud rate: 115200
  GDB connection port: 9000
  Force console for special debug messages: false
  Network debug at boot time: false
  Default network device: npe_eth0
  Update RedBoot non-volatile configuration - continue (y/n)? y
  ... Unlock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
  ... Erase from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .
  ... Program from 0x03fd0000-0x03ff0000 at 0x50fe0000: .
  ... Lock from 0x50fe0000-0x51000000: .

You can now plug-off and plug-on your GW234x and enjoy dd-wrt on it.

Upgrade dd-wrt firmware

Use these steps for previous v24 prereleases that uses 2 images. The v24 only need one and is explained how to use it in the previous section.

Brainslayer explain to me the upgrade method very basically and it works very fine:

  load -r -b 0x00800000 zImage
  fis create linux
  load -r -b 0x00800000 root.fs
  fis create ramdisk

This is a snapshot of the process:

  $ telnet 9000
  Connected to (
  Escape character is '^]'.
  == Executing boot script in 2.220 seconds - enter ^C to abort
  RedBoot> load -r -b 0x00800000 zImage
  Using default protocol (TFTP)
  Raw file loaded 0x00800000-0x00976107, assumed entry at 0x00800000
  RedBoot> fis create linux
  An image named 'linux' exists - continue (y/n)? y
  ... Erase from 0x50080000-0x50280000: ................
  ... Program from 0x00800000-0x00976108 at 0x50080000: ............
  ... Unlock from 0x507e0000-0x50800000: .
  ... Erase from 0x507e0000-0x50800000: .
  ... Program from 0x01fe0000-0x02000000 at 0x507e0000: .
  ... Lock from 0x507e0000-0x50800000: .
  RedBoot> load -r -b 0x00800000 root.fs
  Using default protocol (TFTP)
  Raw file loaded 0x00800000-0x00cfafff, assumed entry at 0x00800000
  RedBoot> fis create ramdisk
  An image named 'ramdisk' exists - continue (y/n)? y
  ... Erase from 0x50280000-0x507a0000: .........................................
  ... Program from 0x00800000-0x00cfb000 at 0x50280000: ........................................
  ... Unlock from 0x507e0000-0x50800000: .
  ... Erase from 0x507e0000-0x50800000: .
  ... Program from 0x01fe0000-0x02000000 at 0x507e0000: .
  ... Lock from 0x507e0000-0x50800000: .

Unbreak dd-wrt firmware

Mmmm, the reason why I wrote this section.

Sometimes, detected playing with v24 RC 6.2 and perhaps is a bug inside this version and not in the release, when you SAVE and APLY under certain circunstances in the webpage, your GW234X finish to response to you and goes into a reboot and try to load cicles.

Fine, the solution I found is to erase the NVRAM:

1) Access to RedBoot.

2) Type:

  RedBoot> fis list
  Name              FLASH addr  Mem addr    Length      Entry point
  RedBoot           0x50000000  0x50000000  0x00080000  0x00000000
  linux             0x50080000  0x00800000  0x00200000  0x00800000
  ramdisk           0x50280000  0x00800000  0x00520000  0x00800000
  mampf             0x507A0000  0x507A0000  0x00020000  0x00800000
  nvram             0x507C0000  0x507C0000  0x00020000  0x00800000
  FIS directory     0x507E0000  0x507E0000  0x0001F000  0x00000000
  RedBoot config    0x507FF000  0x507FF000  0x00001000  0x00000000

3) See where are your nvram and what is the size of it.

4) Erase it:

  RedBoot> fis erase -f 0x507C0000 -l 0x00020000
  ... Erase from 0x507c0000-0x507e0000: .

5) Plug-off and plug-on your GW234X. It will answer your questions.

WiFi Configurations

Wireless modes

AP (Access Point)

The wifi interface is turned into a MASTER mode and synchronizes all wireless clients that connect to it. You need to configure the acces parameters to allow clients to connect (or not) to it. You must configure the ESSID, authentication and cipher parameters.

The wifi interface is bridged to an ethernet interface to allow cable access to the wireless LAN.

At the moment, the WDS configured using this mode don't use the wireless encryption options, it will use a simple WDS mode without any encryption type. See the B.S. explanation here: BS explanation about encryption under WDS modes. To have this, the devices must be configured explicitly in WDS-AP and WDS-STA modes.

Client bridge

The same as AP but the wifi interface is turned into a MANAGED mode and you use the device to connect many computers using LAN to the WIFI LAN.

You must configure the same values in ESSID, auth and cipher to allow connect it to the APs in the wifi LAN.

The WIFI MAC is proxied to allow connect many PCs using only one device to the wifi LAN.

If you use the special ESSID any you will allow to connect to any wireless network that shares the auth and cipher configuration with your device.


Called routed client too.

The wifi interface is turned into a MANAGED mode and will connect to any AP that shares the ESSID, authentication and cipher configuration with it.

The wifi interface has the rol of another ethernet interface and will be used as the WAN port of the router.


Really is a routed adhoc client. The same as client routed but the wifi interface only will connect to another ad-hoc devices that shares the same auth and cipher configuration.

AdHoc bridge

Is not impletented by DD-WRT firmware (and don't know why).

The ideal implementation is to be used as client bridge without ARP PROXY, to allow the point to point links to eat all the band.

Here is some information about this:

WDS Station and WDS AP

This is a mode that allow the devices to be configured in WDS configurations and allow encrypted links between the WDS-STA devices and the WDS-AP device.

In the WDS-STA devices are very usefull the ScanList parameter that allow the device to search channels only in the configured ranges.


Please: Complete this if you know more links or more references about this mode and more accurate info about this.

Drivers Parameters

Important notes

As BrainSlayer remark to me, the madwifi driver inside dd-wrt is not the madwifi-ng.

I remember he had a trunk from an old madwifi driver and began to work into it to make it stable, full featured and usefull from the firmware point of view.

The explanation about the parameters are based on the oficial madwifi documentation and many of them our own experiences configuring and testing GW234X using the diferent parameters.

You are warned about these, is somebody know better than me how each parameter works: please be free in modify this page to put the corrected information.

Antenna Gain

Don't know why you need to use this, but I think that ddwrt atheros driver use it for some type of optimization. Perhaps any developer can explain this better than me (or anybody that know that).

Turbo Mode

You can use a real x2 speed (108Mbps) doubling the needed band in a non standar way.

In this way, only Atheros devices can connect to it using the same operation mode and channel.

When you configure this mode you can see that the channel selection list is not the same as the original one, because the frequency used are in the middle of 2 standar channels.

See: and


1) When you configure GW234X using this mode, you can't see it using kismet or any other sniffing tool. I don't play with this much time, but I think you can put the kis0 interface in your sniffer machine in this mode and adapt the kismet.conf to allow kismet to see this type of AP's.

2) This is not a standar mode, be warned.

3) Before use it in outdoor links, use kismet with standard channels to have the antennas oriented. First use a standard channel near the "non standard" channel to use kismet (or the tool you use to adjust antenna position): after that, you can enable the turbo mode.

Extended range

Atheros' eXtended Range technology (XR) consists of a signal processing architecture that stretches the coverage of a WLAN by embedding separate optimized designs for both high performance/high signal-to-noise ratio environments and long range/low signal-to- noise ratio environments. XR is able to maintains standards compliance while providing extended range performance.

                 - Up to -105dBm receive sensitivity
                 - Processes extremely weak signals
                 - Supports additional transmission rates equivalent to 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25 Mbps
                 - Extends support for signals beyond 802.11 boundaries
                 - Standards-interoperable

Super G Compression

Link-level hardware compression more efficiently utilizes the wireless connection to further maximize bandwidth. This compression is implemented on a per frame basis and affects only data frames. The concept is similar to that used in common data file compression utilities such as WinZip. This also requires an AP that supports compression. When used with fast framing, the theoretical maximum throughput is ~40mbps.

Super G Fast Framing

Super G further provides throughput benefits through fast frames. While bursting increases the number of frames transmitted in a given transmission opportunity, fast frames allows for more information per frame to be transmitted. Rather than restrict frames to the standard size, the frame size can be negotiated between a transmitter and receiver, thus maximizing efficiency via less overhead. This requires an AP that supports fast frames. When used with compression, the theoretical maximum throughput is ~40mbps.

Outdoor Band

The ddwrt atheros driver allow you to select only indoor channels or only outdoor channels with this option.

Appears to be useful when you play with outdoor configurations.


Antenna diversity can be realized in several ways. Depending on the environment and the expected interference, designers can employ one or more of these methods to improve signal quality. In fact multiple methods are frequently used to further increase reliability.

- Spatial Diversity – Spatial diversity employs multiple antennas, usually with the same characteristics, that are physically separated from one another. Depending upon the expected incidence of the incoming signal, sometimes a space on the order of a wavelength is sufficient. Other times much larger distance are needed. Cellularization or sectorization, for example, is a spatial diversity scheme that can have antennas or base stations miles apart. This is especially beneficial for the mobile communications industry since it allows multiple users to share a limited communication spectrum and avoid co-channel interference.

- Pattern Diversity – Pattern diversity consists of two or more co-located antennas with different radiation patterns. This type of diversity makes use of directive antennas that are usually physically separated by some (often short) distance. Collectively they are capable of discriminating a large portion of angle space and can provide a higher gain versus a single omnidirectional radiator.

- Polarization Diversity – Polarization diversity combines pairs of antennas with orthogonal polarizations (i.e. horizontal/vertical, ± slant 45°, Left-hand/Right-hand CP etc). Reflected signals can undergo polarization changes depending on the media. By pairing two complimentary polarizations, this scheme can immunize a system from polarization mismatches that would otherwise cause signal fade. Additionally, such diversity has proven valuable at radio and mobile communication base stations since it is less susceptible to the near random orientations of transmitting antennas.

- Transmit/Receive Diversity – Transmit/Receive diversity uses two separate, collocated antennas for transmit and receive functions. Such a configuration eliminates the need for a duplexer and can protect sensitive receiver components from the high power used in transmit.

- Adaptive Arrays – Adaptive arrays can be a single antenna with active elements or an array of similar antennas with ability to change their combined radiation pattern as different conditions persist. Active electronically scanned arrays (AESAs) manipulate phase shifters and attenuators at the face of each radiating site to provide a near instantaneous scan ability as well as pattern and polarization control. This is especially beneficial for radar applications since it affords a signal antenna the ability to switch among several different modes such as searching, tracking, mapping and jamming countermeasures.

Channel Width

I know that with 20Mhz channel bandwidth, the A channels don't overlap, but I don't know why we can change this parameter. Perhaps is anything related to SuperG mode or Turbo modes.

Please, if anybody know why I need to change this parameter, explain here!!


Don't know yet. Any physical parameter to adjust the modulated signal.

OFDM Preamble Time

Don't know yet. Any physical parameter to adjust the modulated signal.

Sensitivity Range (ACK Timing)

Adjust this when you have point to point links (WDS) to allow some driver internals optimization.


Use to put here, when the channel is in Auto (or the Mode for the device don't set a channel), the list for the channels you want to use for the device.

You have to put here the channels (in MHz) separated with spaces). You can use ranges too.

For example, put your channel en Auto and in ScanList 2437-2447 5180-5200. This will allow your device to hop from channel 4 to 6 and from channel 36 to 40. This is useful with WDS-STA modes, for example, or for AP's.

B.S. notice that is a very useful parameter when using SuperChannel extension with Atheros interfaces.

For more information about channels and frecuencies take a view into:

SuperChannel extension

Don't confuse with Atheros SuperA/G modes.

SuperChannel increments the number of channels you can use allowing more Bandwidth to be used (not more speed, be care).

In many places there are many wireless AP's working and is a bit difficult to configure a robust wireless link without external interferences, in this links is adecuate to enable this mode that allow you to use more channels to select them.

You must ask about the regulatory domain for your zone to see if you will interfere with any militar reserved frecuency before use any non standard channel.

SuperChannel allows you to use extended channels. In 5 MHz steps you can select any channel from 2.3 - 2.7 GHz and 4.9 - 6.1 GHz.

SuperChannel is compatible with Turbo, allowing you to use Turbo mode on any of these extended channels.

SuperChannel bypass the regulatory domain in all countries, but you still can rerenable regulatory domain.

NOTE: Be warned that the use of many of these aditional channels will break your regulatory domain in your country and if you were discovered perhaps (surely) you will be penalized.

Thanks to BrainSlayer for his explanation and remarks about this extension.

SuperA/G mode

The first aproximation in break the 54Mps restriction in A/G modes with Atheros chipsets where to use a centered channel (channel 6 in G) and a aditional channel to double the speed (doubling the bandwidth without overlaping the channels).

In this mode you only can select the centered channel and the another channel will be selected dynamically. You only can use some channels in this mode, selecting, really, the centered channel.

Supposition: I think that centered channels depend on the regulatory domain selected (it has its logic), but I don't know certainly.

I remember that SuperA/G modes are used principally in AP modes, don't know yet if it can be used in WDS links or not. If anybody know, please, put here.

Turbo mode born to allow the user to sum the bandwidth (and the speed) of the channels used in a bigger channel (has a doubled bandwidth) and select that channel statically, allowing the user to control better the bandwidth.

NOTE: Don't know if ddwrt support this mode, I think this is an obsoleted mode.

Configuration examples

Normal AP WDS configuration between 2 GW2347 and 1 GW2348

This case we'll connect 3 LAN using 2 GW2347 and 1 GW2348 and they will be transparent for the direfent Ethernet subnets.

  GW2347_0 - - - - - GW2348 - - - - - - GW2347_1
     |                 |                   |
    LAN               LAN                 LAN

Because this is a bit extense document (with some screenshots) is writen into this page: Normal AP WDS configuration between 2 GW2347 and 1 GW2348

WDS-AP/WDS-STA WDS configuration between 2 GW2348-2 and 1 GW2348-4

It's the same case, but using WDS-AP and WDS-STA specific modes.

  GW2348_0 - - - - - GW2348_1 - - - - - - GW2348_2
     |                  |                    |
    LAN                LAN                  LAN

Because this is a bit extense document (with some screenshots) is writen into this page: WDS-AP/WDS-STA WDS configuration between 2 GW2348-2 and 1 GW2348-4

Standing Network configuration

I put this here to remember things that I want to write (or see writen by somebody).

GW234X interfaces

Here I put the interfaces defined by default in GW234X device when they are booted with a dd-wrt v24 firmware flashed.


When you use 1 atheros miniPCI card, the router will configure these physical interfaces:

ixp0: The first ethernet interface.

wifi0: The first Atheros card. This is the real interface and is used for management purposes.

ath0: The first wifi defined interface over wifi0 real interface.

ath0.N: The (N+1)th wifi defined interface over wifi0 real interface.

ath0.wdsN: The (N+1)th WDS link defined virtual interface over ath0 interface.

(obsoleted) wdsath0.N: The (N+1)th WDS link defined virtual interface over ath0 interface.

lo: loopback interface

imq0: Intermediate Queueing Device (see For QoS control purposes (General In).

imq1: Intermediate Queueing Device (see For QoS control purposes (Generao Out).

bond0: The first bonding defined interface.

teql0: Don't know yet.


When you use 2 atheros miniPCI card, the router will configure these physical interfaces:

ixpN: The (N+1)th ethernet interface.

wifiN: The (N+1) Atheros card. This is the real interface and is used for management purposes.

athN: The first wifi defined interface over wifiN real interface.

athN.M: The (M+1)th wifi defined interface over wifiN real interface.

athN.wdsM: The (M+1)th WDS link defined virtual interface over athN interface. (obsoleted) wdsathN.M: The (M+1)th WDS link defined virtual interface over athN interface.

lo: loopback interface

imq0: Intermediate Queueing Device (see For QoS control purposes (General In).

imq1: Intermediate Queueing Device (see For QoS control purposes (Generao Out).

bond0: The first bonding defined interface.

teql0: Don't know yet.

Networking concepts






Configuration examples