

Wireless configuration file


Type Description
wifi-device physical radio device
wifi-iface logical wifi interface


Common options

Physical radio device

Common Options

Name Type Required Default Description
type string yes (autodetected) The type is determined on firstboot during the initial radio device detection - it is usually not required to change it. Used values are broadcom on brcm47xx, or mac80211 for b43, ath5k and ath9k
phy string no/yes (autodetected) Specifies the radio phy associated to this section. If present, it is usually autodetected and should not be changed.
macaddr MAC address yes/no (autodetected) Specifies the radio adapter associated to this section, it is not used to change the device mac but to identify the underlying interface.
disabled boolean no 0 Disables the radio adapter if set to 1. Removing this option or setting it to 0 will enable the adapter
channel integer or “auto” yes auto Specifies the wireless channel to use. “auto” defaults to the minimum channel available
hwmode string no (driver default) Selects the wireless protocol to use, possible values are 11b, 11g, and 11a (note that 11ng and 11na are not available options, see ticket 17541)
htmode string no (driver default) Specifies the channel width in 802.11n and 802.11ac mode, possible values are:
HT20 (single 20MHz channel),
HT40- (2x 20MHz channels, primary/control channel is upper, secondary channel is below)
HT40+ (2x 20MHz channels, primary/control channel is lower, secondary channel is above).
NONE (disbales 802.11n rates and enforce the usage of legacy 802.11 b/g/a rates)
VHT20 / VHT40 / VHT80 / VHT160 (channel width in 802.11ac, extra channels are picked according to the specification)
Cf. and (search for HT40) in the web page.
:!: This option is only used for type mac80211
chanbw integer no 20 Specifies a narrow channel width, possible values are: 5 (5MHz channel), 10 (10MHz channel) or 20 (20MHz channel).
:!: Only supported by the ath9k/ath5k driver (since Attitude Adjustment)
ht_capab string no (driver default) Specifies the available capabilities of the radio. The values are autodetected. See for options (search for ht_capab in web page).
:!: This option is only used for type mac80211
txpower integer no (driver default) Specifies the transmission power in dBm
diversity boolean no 1 Enables or disables the automatic antenna selection by the driver
rxantenna integer no (driver default) Specifies the antenna for receiving, the value may be driver specific, usually it is 1 for the first and 2 for the second antenna. Specifying 0 enables automatic selection by the driver if supported. This option has no effect if diversity is enabled
txantenna integer no (driver default) Specifies the antenna for transmitting, values are identical to rxantenna
antenna string no (driver default) Selects the antenna, possible values are vertical for internal vertical polarization, horizontal for internal horizontal polarization or external to use the external antenna connector
:!: Only used on the Ubiquiti NanoStation device family instead of the rxantenna/txantenna settings.
country varies no (driver default) Specifies the country code, affects the available channels and transmission powers. For type broadcom a two letter country code is used (EN or DE). The madwifi driver expects a numeric code.
country_ie boolean no 1 if country is set, otherwise 0 Enables IEEE 802.11d country IE (information element) advertisement in beacon and probe response frames. This IE contains the country code and channel/power map. Requires country.
distance integer no (driver default) Distance between the ap and the furthest client in meters .
:!: Only supported by madwifi, and the mac80211 type (in trunk)
noscan boolean no 0 Do not scan for overlapping BSSs in HT40+/- mode.
:!: Only supported by mac80211
:!: Turning this on will violate regulatory requirements!
beacon_int integer no 100 (hostapd default) Set the beacon interval. This is the time interval between beacon frames, measured in units of 1.024 ms. hostapd permits this to be set between 15 and 65535. This option only has an effect on ap and adhoc wifi-ifaces.
:!: Only supported by mac80211 (in trunk)
basic_rate list no (hostapd/driver default) Set the supported basic rates. Each basic_rate is measured in kb/s. This option only has an effect on ap and adhoc wifi-ifaces.
:!: Only supported by mac80211 (in trunk)
require_mode string no none (AP mode) Set the minimum mode that connecting clients need to support to be allowed to connect. Supported values: g = 802.11g, n = 802.11n, ac = 802.11ac
log_level integer no 2 Set the log_level. Supported levels are: 0 = verbose debugging, 1 = debugging, 2 = informational messages, 3 = notification, 4 = warning

Broadcom Options

:!: The options below are only used by the proprietary Broadcom driver (type broadcom).

Name Type Required Default Description
frameburst boolean no 0 Enables Broadcom frame bursting if supported
maxassoc integer no (driver default) Limits the maximum allowed number of associated clients
slottime integer no (driver default) Slot time in milliseconds


Logical wireless interface

Common options
Name Type Required Default Description
device string yes (first device id) Specifies the used wireless adapter, must refer to one of the defined wifi-device sections
mode string yes ap Selects the operation mode of the wireless network interface controller (some are supported simultaneously by some drivers):
ap for Access Point,
sta for managed (client) mode,
adhoc for Ad-Hoc,
wds for static WDS,
monitor for monitor mode,
mesh for IEEE 802.11s mesh mode
:!: mesh mode only supported by mac80211 (in trunk)
disabled boolean no 0 When set to 1, wireless network is disabled.
ssid string yes OpenWrt The broadcasted SSID of the wireless network (for managed mode the SSID of the network you're connecting to)
bssid BSSID address no (driver default) Override the BSSID of the network, only applicable in adhoc or sta mode. In wds mode specifies the BSSID of another AP to create WDS with.
mesh_id Mesh ID no none The Mesh ID as defined in IEEE 802.11s. If set, the wireless interface will join this mesh network when brought up. If not, it is necessary to invoke iw <iface> mesh join <mesh_id> to join a mesh after the interface is brought up.
:!: Only supported by mac80211 (in trunk)
hidden boolean no 0 Turns off SSID broadcasting if set to 1
isolate boolean no 0 Isolate wireless clients from each other, only applicable in ap mode. May not be supported in the original Backfire release for mac80211
doth boolean no 0 Enables 802.11h support.
:!: Not supported for the mac80211 type yet
wmm boolean no 1 Enables WMM (802.11e) support. Required for 802.11n support
network string yes lan Specifies the network interface to attach the wireless to. :!: Most wireless drivers do not support bridging in client mode (see Bridged Client Mode Issues and relayclient, as well as notes on specific devices, e.g. wl500gp and tplink wr841nd), the wifi interface cannot be attached to networks that are creating a bridge or already have switches interfaces connected, if the wifi interface uses the mode 'sta'.
encryption string no none Wireless encryption method. none for an open network, wep for WEP, psk for WPA-PSK, or psk2 for WPA2-PSK. See the WPA modes table for additional possible values.
For an access point in WEP mode, the default is “open system” authentication. Use wep+shared for “shared key” authentication (less secure), wep+open to explicitly use “open system,” or wep+mixed to allow either. wep+mixed is only supported by hostapd.
key integer or string no (none) In any WPA-PSK mode, this is a string that specifies the pre-shared passphrase from which the pre-shared key will be derived. If a 64-character hexadecimal string is supplied, it will be used directly as the pre-shared key instead.
In WEP mode, this can be an integer specifying which key index to use (key1, key2, key3, or key4.) Alternatively, it can be a string specifying a passphrase or key directly, as in key1.
In any WPA-Enterprise AP mode, this option has a different interpretation.
key1 string no (none) WEP passphrase or key #1 (selected by the index in key). This string is treated as a passphrase from which the WEP key will be derived. If a 10- or 26-character hexadecimal string is supplied, it will be used directly as the WEP key instead.
key2 string no (none) WEP passphrase or key #2 (selected by the index in key), as in key1.
key3 string no (none) WEP passphrase or key #3 (selected by the index in key), as in key1.
key4 string no (none) WEP passphrase or key #4 (selected by the index in key), as in key1.
macfilter string no disable Specifies the mac filter policy, disable to disable the filter, allow to treat it as whitelist or deny to treat it as blacklist.
:!: Supported for the mac80211 since r25105
maclist list of MAC addresses no (none) List of MAC addresses (divided by spaces) to put into the mac filter.
iapp_interface string no (none) Specifies a network interface to be used for 802.11f (IAPP) - only enabled when defined.
rsn_preauth boolean no 0 Allow preauthentication for WPA2-EAP networks (and advertise it in WLAN beacons). Only works if the specified network interface is a bridge.
ieee80211w integer no 0 Enables MFP (802.11w) support (0 = disabled, 1 = optional, 2 = required).
:!: Only supported by the ath9k driver (since 10.03)
ieee80211w_max_timeout integer no (hostapd default) Specifies the 802.11w Association SA Query maximum timeout.
:!: Only supported by the ath9k driver (since 10.03)
ieee80211w_retry_timeout integer no (hostapd default) Specifies the 802.11w Association SA Query retry timeout .
:!: Only supported by the ath9k driver (since 10.03)
maxassoc integer no (hostapd/driver default) Specifies the maximum number of clients to connect.
macaddr mac address no (hostapd/driver default) Overrides the MAC address used for the wifi interface.
dtim_period integer no 2 (hostapd default) Set the DTIM (delivery traffic information message) period. There will be one DTIM per this many beacon frames. This may be set between 1 and 255. This option only has an effect on ap wifi-ifaces.
:!: Only supported by mac80211 (in trunk)
short_preamble boolean no 1 Set optional use of short preamble
:!: Supported for the mac80211 since r35565
max_listen_int integer no 65535 (hostapd default) Set the maximum allowed STA (client) listen interval. Association will be refused if a STA attempts to associate with a listen interval greater than this value. This option only has an effect on ap wifi-ifaces.
:!: Only supported by mac80211 (in trunk)
mcast_rate integer no (driver default) Sets the fixed multicast rate, measured in kb/s.
:!: Only supported by madwifi, and mac80211 (for type adhoc in trunk)
:!: See the WPA tables below for a full listing of WPA related options used for WPA2 Enterprise (802.1x)
:!: See the WPS Options below for a full listing of Wi-Fi Protected Setup options.
wds boolean no 0 This sets 4-address mode

WPA Modes

Besides the WPA mode, the encryption option also specifies the group and peer ciphers to use. To override the cipher, the value of encryption must be given in the form mode+cipher. See the listing below for possible combinations. If the hwmode of the interface is set to ng or na, then the CCMP cipher is always added to the list.

Value WPA Version Ciphers
WPA2 Personal (PSK) TKIP, CCMP
psk2+tkip WPA2 Personal (PSK) TKIP
WPA2 Personal (PSK) CCMP
psk+tkip WPA Personal (PSK) TKIP
WPA Personal (PSK) CCMP
WPA/WPA2 Personal (PSK) mixed mode TKIP, CCMP
mixed-psk+tkip WPA/WPA2 Personal (PSK) mixed mode TKIP
WPA/WPA2 Personal (PSK) mixed mode CCMP
WPA2 Enterprise TKIP, CCMP
WPA2 Enterprise CCMP
wpa2+tkip WPA2 Enterprise TKIP
WPA Enterprise TKIP, CCMP
WPA Enterprise CCMP
WPA Enterprise TKIP
WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed mode TKIP, CCMP
mixed-wpa+tkip WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed mode TKIP
WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed mode CCMP

WPA Enterprise (Access Point)

Listing of Access Point related options for WPA Enterprise. Basic WPA Enterprise configuration instructions

Name Default Description
server (none) RADIUS server to handle client authentication
port 1812 RADIUS port
key (none) Shared RADIUS secret
wpa_group_rekey 600 WPA Group Cipher rekeying interval in seconds
:!: The options below are for hostapd (not the Broadcom nas authenticator)
auth_server (none) RADIUS authentication server to handle client authentication
auth_port 1812 RADIUS authentication port
auth_secret (none) Shared authentication RADIUS secret
auth_cache 0 Disable or enable PMKSA and Opportunistic Key Caching
acct_server (none) RADIUS accounting server to handle client authentication
acct_port 1813 RADIUS accounting port
acct_secret (none) Shared accounting RADIUS secret
nasid (none) NAS ID to use for RADIUS authentication requests
ownip (none) NAS IP Address to use for RADIUS authentication requests - introduced in r40934
dae_client (none) Dynamic Authorization Extension client. This client can send “Disconnect-Request” or “CoA-Request” packets to forcibly disconnect a client or change connection parameters.
dae_port 3799 Port the Dynamic Authorization Extension server listens on.
dae_secret (none) Shared DAE secret.
dynamic_vlan 0 Dynamic VLAN assignment
vlan_naming 1 VLAN Naming
vlan_tagged_interface (none) VLAN Tagged Interface
vlan_bridge (none) VLAN Bridge Naming Scheme - added in r43473

:!: The dae options were introduced in r37734

:!: To enable Dynamic Authorization Extensions, both dae_client and dae_secret must be set.

:!: (Dynamic) VLAN Support added in r41872

WPA Enterprise (Client)

Listing of Client related options for WPA Enterprise.

Name Default Description
eap_type (none) Defines the EAP protocol to use, possible values are tls for EAP-TLS and peap or ttls for EAP-PEAP
auth MSCHAPV2 “auth=PAP”/PAP/MSCHAPV2 - Defines the phase 2 (inner) authentication method to use, only applicable if eap_type is peap or ttls
identity (none) EAP identity to send during authentication
password (none) Password to send during EAP authentication
ca_cert (none) Specifies the path the CA certificate used for authentication
client_cert (none) Specifies the client certificate used for the authentication
priv_key (none) Specifies the path to the private key file used for authentication, only applicable if eap_type is set to tls
priv_key_pwd (none) Password to unlock the private key file, only works in conjunction with priv_key

:!: When using WPA Enterprise type PEAP with Active Directory Servers, the “auth” option must be set to “auth=MSCHAPV2” or “auth=PAP”

     option auth 'auth=MSCHAPV2'


     option auth 'auth=PAP'
documentation/configuration/config_files/config_wireless.txt · Last modified: 2018/05/24 09:05 (external edit)